How would you fix this?

Old Iron

Active User
Sep 29, 2010
Jim I'd use the Bronze to fix it that way it will look stock. I've welded up the holes in steel hinges then redrilled.

Can you silver solder the bronze into the hinge and then bore a new hole for the pin? There is a lower temperature silver solder sold by Brownell that has a melt point closer to 650F. It has a very good strength rating much closer to regular high temp silver solders than Tin/Lead versions. Its called Hi Temp Hi Force 44.
I think I would turn the largest slip fit solid bronze (SAE 660) pin I could, ignoring the egg, then fill it with the low temp silver solder that pd mentioned. Then properly locate the hole and drill/ream to fit. That way you wouldn't be removing any original material, weakening it, then the silver solder would strengthen it by bonding to the solid pin. Pretty much a new blank at that point, then put the right hole in it.
Minimum wage? You're doing great then! Nice job.
(I guess I am working for a bout minimum wage) Thats the fun part doing it for your self. Nice job on the repair.
