How to fasten some cobber electrodes on a spot welder ????

The google translation is not great, but I think I understand what you are asking. I am curious why you have a movable electrode? Is this for reaching into a semi-enclosed area?

In any case here is a thought I had on an electrode holder.

The google translation is not great, but I think I understand what you are asking. I am curious why you have a movable electrode? Is this for reaching into a semi-enclosed area?

Yeah, you'r right about this reaching down into some narrow places.

I've made some new drawings - could it be the solution - I think in resistance and where the eventualy heat up the material.
Yeah, I have seen it before - I noticed that he said he SOLDED the cables to the electrodes !

I think the soldering would give some unnecessary warmin up the electrodes in the solder point because of the resistance.

I had a portable spot welder, the electrodes were Berilium copper ( hard ). Each electrode was 10mm diameter x 150 mm long and both top and bottom was adjustable making it easy to weld pans. These electrodes slid in holes in 25mm copper holders and were locked with cotter pins. They worked very well. Hope this is helpful.
Cheers David