Last couple of project my lathe has started to make couple of new noises i can see the oil pump pumping but it looks to have lower flow, so i added couple of liters of fresh oil and prime the pump but no change, so i had a good look around and took off the suction line, can anyone see something wrong?
Yep i'm talking about all the crap in the suction line, when i bought the lathe, i drain all the old oil and clean the inside of the gearbox and found, many metal chips, couple of big ball bearings and a flat headed screwdriver just laying on the bottom of the gearbox, i've missed this pieces. And yes my lathe has straight cut gears and sounds like an jet running, very loud. Has anyone else found something similar?
Yep i'm talking about all the crap in the suction line, when i bought the lathe, i drain all the old oil and clean the inside of the gearbox and found, many metal chips, couple of big ball bearings and a flat headed screwdriver just laying on the bottom of the gearbox, i've missed this pieces. And yes my lathe has straight cut gears and sounds like an jet running, very loud. Has anyone else found something similar?