Over the last 30+ years I have accumulated several hundred if not more HSS lathe tools. The 3/16" and 1/4" were inherited from my wife's grandfather. the 5/16", 3/8" 1/2" and 5/8" were purchased new. At the time I was buying them it was far cheaper to buy them by the box than on an individual basis. Thinking I would go through them in short order I purchased several boxes of each size. Depending on size there were between 50 and 75 pieces per box. In those days a box of 75, 5/16" tools was going for around $35.00. A box of 70, 3/8" tools was about $55.00. Prices today are nearly triple that.
To this day I've discarded very few. Some of the smaller sizes have been sharpened so many times they're getting close, but so far they still fit in the appropriate tool holders and still do the job. By in large they are ground in the standard AL, AR BL, BR, C, D, and E cutting profiles.
They seem to need only minor touchups from time to time. I would guess the vast majority are close to their original lengths. To minimize the amount of material being removed, and the time it takes at each sharpening I made a machine similar to the Accu-Finish II tool sharpener.
The average tool can be sharpened in less than 2 minutes, and requires only a few thousandths of material to be removed.
There are also quite a pile of specialty profiles that have been made as one offs or get minimal use. Given the fact that I was able to purchase large quantities of the same size tooling for minimal prices I keep them in their original configuration rather than regrinding them to a new profile. Should I have to change profiles I'm sure the tools would be consumed quite quickly