I was "willed" a 5 gallon bucket of Conoco Hydroclear TCS Slideway Lubricant. The bucket is approximately 8 years old, has been opened, and has less than a quart removed.
As far as I can tell, Hydroclear is equivalent to Vactra #2, so I was planning to use it on both my Bridgeport mill and South Bend lathe. However, I can't tell by smelling the oil if it is rancid.
Does way oil go bad if it hasn't been exposed to the atmosphere?
Same as the details above, I was also willed a 5 gallon bucket of Kelsol, but I have no idea what to use it for. Any ideas?
As far as I can tell, Hydroclear is equivalent to Vactra #2, so I was planning to use it on both my Bridgeport mill and South Bend lathe. However, I can't tell by smelling the oil if it is rancid.
Does way oil go bad if it hasn't been exposed to the atmosphere?
Same as the details above, I was also willed a 5 gallon bucket of Kelsol, but I have no idea what to use it for. Any ideas?