How Do I Fix This?


Apr 7, 2016
I am making a pen out of brass for my dad's 60th Bday. The part on the right is the cap with a threaded section to help apply counter pressure to the ink cartridge. The part on the left is the pen body. I have already tried to file down some of the male threaded section thinking maybe it was too long. It helped close the gap some but not all the way. I am trying to be careful because I dont want there to be any play so that when writing pressure is applied the ink cartridge shifts up and down.

Do I chuck up the pen body and take a few thousandths off of it? My plan was to turn the entire pen (when finished) to the same diameter because you can see it is off some. I assume this is because of the tolerances in my Chinese made 4 jaw chuck (I really need to get a 4" 3 jaw). Between that and my dial indicator I can only get 1-2 thousandths off.

Can you make a contrasting spacer to fill the gap and then turn it all to size?
Maybe try Dykem and see if you can tell what needs to be worked on.
It looks to me like your threads aren't straight, were they done with a tap and die, or on the lathe?
Sorry, the one pic is a good start. But we need to see it unscrewed. Without more pic’s all you will get is random help.
Thanks for the advice guys... Turns out I forgot to cut a relief. As soon as I cut one using a part off blade everything lined up flush
Glad you got it sorted, that was my first guess - a contrasting spacer could look good, though!

Dave H. (the other one)