Horizontal mill cutters and spacers


Dec 20, 2011
I have a Hardinge UM I am cleaning up. I'm currently working on the motor (slowly). I have no machining experience, but hope to be able to use this horizontal mill soon. The mill has a 1" arbor with no slot. The spacers and cutters have slots. I'm guessing that the combination of spacers and cutter is held on with pressure from the arbor nut?

I'm hoping for confirmation that this is the right way to set up for cutting.

I believe that horizontal arbors usually have keyways or slots to hold the cutters. At least the ones I have do.


Is your arbor larger than 1"?


Thanks for the confirmation. Do the spacers/cutter ever get stuck (hard to take off)?

Thanks for the tip. I'll have to look at the spacers.

I also have a Hardinge TM and my arbors 7/8", 1", and 1 1/4" don't have keyways. pressure holds the cutters in place so if the cutter locks up in the material, nothing breaks.
Most arbors do have keyway slots. I have gotten away without using key ways on small mills,though. Just tighten up the spacers real good. On slab milling cutters,you might want a keyway.

Even my first mill,an Atlas,had keyways. I'm wondering if you guys are looking at home made arbors?
Too much emphasis cannot be placed on the spacers. They can pull the arbor into a banana. The end should be parallel within 0.0002 or better. Any dings, nicks, or debris must be removed. It will cause cutter runout and uneven wear on the teeth.
I have 7/8,1",1 1/4" & 1 1/2" they all have key ways in them, But I haven't used a any key stock yet.

I have one arbor that came with the machine. I don't know it's origin. I can add a picture this evening if anyone wants to take a look.

Out of curiosity, for the arbors with slots, what material is used for the key?

You can use keyway stock,or just use square 01 or W1 steel stock. At least for the lower horsepower machines most of us will have,I have found those materials suitable.

I had a #4 Burke mill as my 2nd. milling machine,but it did have a home made arbor in it,with home made spacers,too. And pretty sloppy work at that! I made some other arbors for it from truck axles. It is surprising that the Burke would not have keyway slots,as it is a much better mill than an Atlas,and the Atlas arbors have keyway slots. I never saw an original Burke arbor,though,as I made mine up,and wouldn't have had the money to spend on factory arbors back then.