Help Needed About My Lathe


image.jpg Hello everyone,
To begin with Im a welder and a basic machinist. I just bought my first lathe and need some information about what I have. I'm going to try to post a picture and hope you can tell me what I have. It's a craftsman is about all I know. I have been told Atlas might be who made it.any information you can give me would be very helpful. Thank u in advance.
It's a craftsman lathe made by atlas. I'm not sure which model but someone will be along soon and know which model it is. It should have some information on the tag that says craftsman on the front of it. Model number should begin with 101 followed by more numbers. The 101 denotes made by atlas the numbers following it are which model I believe
Yep it is a 101.07043. Nice lathe hope you got the ghange gears with it. Verry nice looking lathe bytheway.Looks like it has been well cared for. The manuel for it is in the download secition of this site. If you post in the Atlas-craftsman section of this forum there is a lot of info there.
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You might do better by posting this in the Atlas forum,where there are Atlas specialists to answer questions about them specifically.