Help me identify this lathe and make it better!


Hello everyone.
I have just joined a makerspace to turn a chess set out of brass. The only lathe they have is really old and has a lantern tool post and chuck jaws that are non reversible and face the wrong way for what I need. Because of this, my minimum stick-out from the chuck is about 2.25" with 5/8" brass. I am having a real hard time getting good surface finishes. Can you guys help me figure out what I need to look for as far as a tool post and maybe chuck jaws? I will post photos of all the measurements that I think are required, but if I miss something, please let me know!









Looks like a South Bend 9"to me. The likelihood of finding chuck jaws is remote, look for a chuck to fit it.
What sort of chuck should I be looking for? I am a total noob when it comes to owning a machine and the sizes of parts and accessories.
Lantern style tool posts like that are normally used with a tool holder:


Were these just omitted from the pictures?

How are your tool bits sharpened? Ideally, brass requires different tool geometry from steel or other materials.

Ahhhhh. I was not aware of those holders. I have been putting my HSS tool bit directly into the lantern. The tool has been sharpened on a grinder. I'll look around to see if they have the holders somewhere. The lathe was donated to them and they don't know much about it.
Leave a little material on the end of each piece so you can centerdrill enough to use a live center in the tail stock. That will give you the rigidity you need. Saw and file off the excess when you're through with your turning.
Yeah, I was trying to avoid using the live center to conserve material. Brass is expensive and all of my pieces have rounded ends. My biggest problem really is the chuck. Each jaw only has about a half inch of contact and I can't turn close to the chuck due to the orientation of these irreversible jaws.
I found a tool holder hiding in a bin! A world of difference. I can indeed get closer to the chuck with it. I still want to look into a better chuck though. It takes me about 10 minutes to get my stock even close to centered. I feel that it is the limited surface area of the chuck jaws contacting the piece. What size chuck do I need to look for? Do I need to be mindful of what type of 'chuck mount' it has?

I did end up finding the make and model of the lathe. It is a South Bend C9 or G9, (can't tell if the letter is a C or G), with some other numbers after that which I forgot to write down or take a photo of while I was there.'ll need a 1.5X 8 threaded chuck or backplate.measure the chuck on lathe.looks like 6"..5" might fit better..maybe the other jaws are with stuff you got with lathe.the numbers are the serial number.good luck..