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Bill Gruby

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Somewhere I saw an engine that was powered by a "Slinky". You could download the prints but I can no longer find it. The "Slinky" sat atop two discs. As it undulated it moved the discs up and down. This in turn drove the crankshaft and flywheel. I have a bunch of kids around here that have nothing to do but get into trouble. I think they are worth the effort of watching and helping them build these motors.

So --- anyone out there in HM land that can help me find the prints again??

"Billy G" :thinking:
I find many hits for electric powered slinky motors, but nothing yet on simple slinky power. Seems possible. I envision something like a balance scale with one end of the slinky on each platform, and a crank assembly on the pivot. But then, that begins to sound like a perpetual motion machine.
I find many hits for electric powered slinky motors, but nothing yet on simple slinky power. Seems possible. I envision something like a balance scale with one end of the slinky on each platform, and a crank assembly on the pivot. But then, that begins to sound like a perpetual motion machine.

Wouldn't that be funny if the only true perpetual motor was powered by a slinky? :lmao::lmao:
Sent you a PM Tony. Yes, it is a perpetual motion machine, at least till the Slinky stops. :rofl::rofl:

"Billy G":whistle:
OK, yes that is it Charlie. I found it earlier. Please post no more pictures of this till we get permission. The new owners of HMEM have most everything over there under copyright, sole rights reserved. The design is by Brian Rupnow. I am trying to contact him now. Patience please.

"Billy G" :thinking:
From what I see, the slinky part isn't an engine. More of a machine that mimics the hand-to-hand thing we all did as kids. In this case, he was using one of his air engines to run it.

Setting up a windmill or water wheel to line-shaft a bunch of slinky machines would get the kids' imaginations going.
You are correct Hawkeye. It is not a perpetual motion thing as it is powered from outstie making it a driven machine. Still looks like a lot of fun though.

"Billy G" :thinking:
I picked up a mini-slinky a few years ago for a buck at a dollar store, thinking to use it to make piston rings foe small engines. Still haven't done that. It is 1 3/8" in diameter. This size could make for good projects.
Makes a good, cheap SWL antenna too. Stretch it across the room, or in the attic, or between trees. It gives enough to nor worry about wind breaking it or being broken due to wind blowing the trees.

Handy things, those Slinky's. I haven't played with one for years.