Heat Treat Furnace Value


The Journey of Knowledge Continues
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jan 20, 2017
As a newbie to the hobby, I have a chance to purchase a used furnace from the estate of a former gold smith and was looking for an idea on what I should offer? I do not have all the details on it yet, as the family does not know really what the specifications are.

Attach filesHeat treating oven.JPG
I sold one with an interior about 8"x 8" and 6" tall for $500 last year. Not sure if that helps, but the first guy that called, bought it. If the elements are in good order and the mortar around the fire brick is not falling apart, I would use that price as a max to pay for it. I traded for mine and it sat unused for about 6 years. So consider how much use you will get out of it.

Good looking on the outside. I always wanted one but have to make do with a torch to do mine . Would be nice to do case coloring . I've an old colt that would look real nice. Like thishgn-stndmfg-1911cc_2_web.jpg
I'm currently using a large ceramic furnace. Heats up slowly but is uniform.
I use it every couple months for 4140 and A2.
Got it from a guy who had it for well over 10years and never plugged it in.
Note: he runs a metal in his home hobby shop multiple times a week. He just never had need for it.
Like they said above how often will you use it?

Not that often, but if it comes at a great price then I would buy it. Just was trying to get a sense of what the used market price would be for one.
Whatever anyone gets, be sure you can power it.
Depending on volts and amps she wants to pull you may need to run a new line from your box.
Or, copper from a propane tank.....
This may add costs you didn't expect.

The heating elements condition is a real large item in the what's it worth question.
Unused it's worth 500 plus.
Burned elements it's worth 100 maybe
Depends too if the elements are exposed or not. My oven's elements were encased in ceramic plate. Four total. $300 for one element.