Hardinge Dividing Head?


Feb 1, 2016
Bought a logan 200 and this came with it, I'm new to all this, but I hear it's a good thing ahaha from what I understand it's for a mill? Was wondering if anyone could give me some.info on use/ worth?

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Hey, you bought that Logan. Great. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with it.
The dividing head? Don't sweat it (clean it, preserve it and put it ina back corner). It is the sort of tool that one does not use very often (especially without a milling machine), but is a game changer when you need it. However, when you do need it, if you have to go out and spend real money - it can set you back a lot. Yet to simply sell it right now, you'll very little for it.

I'm sure you'll be looking for a mill soon enough (that is where the dividing head will shine). You may find it is a useful barter tool for something else you "NEED".

For now, get that lathe up and running - make some chips.
It's worth 2 bucks ................but I'll offer you $5 !! Just kidding , it's a nice piece to keep on hand for the rainy day !
Hey, you bought that Logan. Great. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with it.
The dividing head? Don't sweat it (clean it, preserve it and put it ina back corner). It is the sort of tool that one does not use very often (especially without a milling machine), but is a game changer when you need it. However, when you do need it, if you have to go out and spend real money - it can set you back a lot. Yet to simply sell it right now, you'll very little for it.

I'm sure you'll be looking for a mill soon enough (that is where the dividing head will shine). You may find it is a useful barter tool for something else you "NEED".

For now, get that lathe up and running - make some chips.

Good plan! Thanks for the info! I think I'll take some time and make it nice as well
The chuck can be removed revelling a 5-C collet ability.
You'll need to acquire the rest of the dividing plates to complete the unit.
As it sits now a average price range would fetch $475 to$500.
A good place to find a home for it would be Ebay,
OR go to Yahoo's "Harding Mill Group"

Robbie's Machine Service