Great teaching videos from M.I.T.


Active User
I have noticed that there are a lot of "newbies", like me, on this site.
I came across a series of 10 machine shop instructional videos produced by M.I.T. Tech TV. Each video is aprox 45 min. long and worth watching. They cover everything from layout on parts to tricks on mounting/machining thin or oversized parts on machine shop equipment. here is a link to video #1

The series coveres a lot of basic concepts and techniques. I found the series very instructional. At least once every video I had an A HA! moment where I learned something I didnt even know to ask about. OR discovered a tool that would make life so much easier than the way I was doing things. (Like the co-axial indicator for lining up a hole with a tool to enlarge or make more precise!)

I didnt find any reference to this here, so I would share.

I hope others find it as enlightening as I did. Merry Christmas to all!
I used to get the MSC & the Enco sales flyer every month or so when I was starting out on my learning curve.
I would see different tools & wonder what they were used for or how they were used in the machining process.
Watching the MIT & the Tubal Cain videos you can see how some of these tools are used. Another source is to just google the name of the tool, most every time there will be a you-tube demonstration of how it's used. I'm not saying that the you-tube demo is the cut in stone way of using the tool but it will give you a general idea of how to use it. Keep in mind that there is a right & wrong way & a safe & unsafe way to do almost anything.
Watch 15mins so far and now I know what transfer punchs,blind transfer punchs,what little I have done layout now I know a better way.Thanks for the linky----kroll