Got a new toy


Jan 3, 2013
It looks like a Barker PM but it doesn't have the raised letters on the casing. Anyone have any ideas what it is?


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Nice find. Tht sure is a big vice for that mill. What is the table travel? is the y lever also? I got a similiar mill about a yr ago in a lot of stuff. It has about 7 1/2" x travel. The table is about 12". Your motor looks larger. Mine is Japanese- Haill I beleive. I've never powered it on.

Yea< I took the vise and air switches off and no it only has one arm, the other two axis have dials. I believe the table travel is 7-8 inches. The motor was a 1/2 hd 3400 rpm and no step pulleys so I replaced it with a DC 1/2 leeson and a VFD, Ill put up a pic when i'm done.
Definitely A BArker PM. great little mill, I see it has micrometer dials on at least 2 axis and the third would be not too hard to mount if it isnt there. Collets may be hard to find and speeds can be a bit high, but it will be every bit as good as an atlaswithout an overarm (or better imo). Barker is still in business, but the prices can be shocking. grats on a good find.
Ill post some pics when Im done, but your eight it had one speed, fast. So one of the things Ive done was swap the 3400 rpm ac motor for a DC baldor motor with a controler. Wahalla, any speed I want and torque to boot.