I posted on another thread about a smaller Nantong mill/drill that I can purchase locally, but I'm leery about a Chinese machine that looks to be a bit rough but, it comes with tooling and probably $600-$700 worth of vises with it for $1200. That said, I was looking on Dallas CL and found a Gorton Mastermil for $1000, but it has no tooling and it can't be powered up because the motor isn't mounted. The gentleman said that he bought it with no motor and then purchased a Bridgeport motor on eBay, but never mounted it. Now, health/age issues are forcing the sale. He claims that the machine seems good and tight with no discernible slop anywhere. I asked about the somewhat oddball taper of the early Gorton mills and he said the guy he got it from claimed it is a late model machine with an R-8 taper, but he based that on the 5" handwheel, saying the early models used a 3" wheel. Can anyone here shed any light on this? It's 150+ miles away, so I want to have a little knowledge before I drive all the way there to look at it, then I have to figure out how to get it back her and unload it. I'm assuming he has a way to load it if I take it.