Going to look at a 3986 Atlas

Just check the normal wear areas..looks nice in the pictures.maybe you can talk him down some..good luck
Did they offer a steady rest for that model? I don't see one listed in the manuals and nothing on Ebay at the moment
Pretty sure they did.had a commercial 12" that came with what appeared to be a factory steady rest 2 or 3 years ago.will see if I have a picture.
Picture only shows top half of steady rest..so I'm thinking they did make one..
I see one was offered: Craftsman # 20507 circa 1976 rare as hen's teeth I'm sure
I'll look at the lathe but if he won't budge on the price I'll pass on it- the cabinet model with the dual belt drive is the better machine, less slip- this is the bench model.
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We are all here to help you spend your money..go get it..haha..no really..