Not something I set out to buy or even collect. I'm just a hobbyist that fancies a precision part when I chuck it up. Yet, in my auction winnings there were always a pile a gauge pins included. Well, I needed to plug a hole. While the arbor supports for my VN 24 retain their oil at rest off to the side, the front 1 would leak when mounted. This was due to the end of the arbor being a bit shy; or not designed to poke all the way through. So, I organized those plugs, er gauge pins & found my next project. First the plug. Needed 0.447. I was gently sanding a plug down to size & in my frustration grabbed all the gauges out & began sorting them. It's always easy at 1st; just line em up by size. You, we must All answer: What sizes are of use? I don't know - nor do I feel qualified to answer. My solution, given what I have, is to reduce the size of all the repeats to fill in the gaps. This would give a more complete set. Managed 2 regrinds over the course of 4 days by hand. Well this will take a lifetime, so, I mounted my go to tool post grinder. Arr. Smaller tool post grinder is needed so switching to it.