Full retract for tool change?


Jun 26, 2018
I have come a long way with my Fusion 360 abilities, however, I have a somewhat complex file with 5 tool changes. The only issue I am running into, the head retracts for a brief moment (actually not at all, just goes to that position on its way to the next. ) and ends up an inch over work piece waiting for tool change. I have a Tormach with an enclosure, the head must be up all the way to access a tool change not to mention, I'm going from a short spot drill to a long drill bit...I need clearance. I'm sure I can handle this within Fusion 360, but tried everything I can to fix that.
Really seems that clearance/retract height would be it, but it goes back down to feed height after that brief moment at clearance height. Of course if I change feed height, every plunge will be from 5" above work piece. What am I missing here?
Not sure about how the Tormach works but on my Mach3 system, the tool change position (height) is set in Mach3, not the GCODE. The CAM just creates a Gcode for a tool change and the control software (Mach3 in my case) moves the machine to the predefined location)
Good golly...I’m so stupid. After 3 hours it clicked, AFTER I posted this. My G30 preset on the PathPilot. My bad. Thanks Boswell.