@%#$&%*^(*) Fluorescent lights


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Got tired of fighting the damn things. Flickering lights, nonstarting light, blow tubes and ballasts finally got to me. So I made some "shop lights" using CFL's. They work great. Much more light than a two tube unmentionable with fewer watts. They are built with a piece of white, pebble textured plastic screwed to a 1 X 4.


That's a nice new light, but how much is the output? If the old fluorescent ones were flickering or blowing then they were the wrong type, the ballast was going bad, or they were just too cheap. I've got four of the 8' high-output type. I don't remember the correct term (T12?) but they don't flicker, they come on with a flick of the switch, and I haven't replaced a bulb in years (which is good - each one costs more than a used Chevy.) I turn one on and it lights the entire shop. I turn on all four and the astronauts from the space station call down and complain about the glare coming out my windows. (I might exaggerate just slightly for effect, but they are real good lights.)

i replaced all my flourescents with "bright white" cfls a couple of years ago. one of the best improvements i did for my shop.
Could try some ccfl's ,but too high on kelvin range can be a strain on eyes,with a set-up like that I would substitute one with a normal bulb,full spectrum or sun color like.
Same here! Best move I ever made. They're cheap as dirt, last a long time and easy to replace -unlike the long tube kind. Nothing I hate worse than standing on a ladder fiddling around wondering if the other 2 prongs are going in the slots right -with a looming concern the thin glass might bust under the pressure of your fingertips...

i replaced all my flourescents with "bright white" cfls a couple of years ago. one of the best improvements i did for my shop.
Great idea, but those bare bulbs are pretty vulnerable and fragile. Electrical code here requires all ceiling fixtures to have covers for the bulbs...
That's a great idea. I am going to make one up just to try. I currently have the 4' flourescent fixtures as well as a few cfl's. The quality flourescent fixtures cost more than double compared to the cheap ones, but they last 3 times as long.
That is a good idea! The power company used to give out cfls kits to reduce consumption. I just found a good use for them.