First attermpt to run my milling machine


Aug 28, 2011
About a month ago I purchased a used Clausing 8420 mill in fairly good shape. It came with some tooling and a decent vise. Finally after getting it cleaned up and set up to cut accurately I first set up to edge a piece of 1/4" X 3 1\2" mild steel and then layed it in the vise on a couple of parallels so it was a little proud of the vice jaws. I installed a cheap 1/2" 2 flute endmill in a MT2 colet and started to take off passes about .010 deep making about 8 somewhat overlaying passes.
I am quite pleased with the accuracy and flattness of the cut, but the finish is a little rough or would you say furry??. Anyway do I need to use a better or higher flute (4flute) mill, or make more overlapping passes or both? I don't have any power feed on any of the axes yet, so I went resonably slow feeding the mill into the work. I did not make any finnishing passes with the exception or returning the end mill back over the cut to start the next. I also noticed I need to get a small plexiglass shield as there are a lot more little flakes flying off than cutting on a lathe!
Hi Skip,

Those are great mills!
I have the 8520 and love it!

How about using a flycutter??
You will get a much better finish with it than you will using and end mill.

As mentioned, try a sharp flycutter.
Alternately, try stoning a very fine radius on the outer corners of your endmill.