Finally got a HAM Ticket


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
May 19, 2022
Starting in 3rd grade I read every electronics and amateur radio book in the school library and kept an interest for years. Passed the basic code exam in Boy Scouts. I’ve dealt with electricity and electronics on the fringes all my life. A friend mentioned that there would be a hamfest nearby on June 13th. We were still waiting for the power to be restored so it was at least an opportunity to stay in air conditioning for a few hours. Two days prior I learned that they would be testing for new licenses and upgrades. I hadn’t taken a practice test in 5 months and had never read a study manual but decided that for $15 I would risk it. I was flabbergasted when one of the volunteer examiners asked if I wanted to test for the General license which is the step above the entry level Technician license. I missed passing the General but had the Technician license.

I’m really more interested in being able to help during emergency situations than making it a full blown hobby. Like machining, it’s a means to an end. Trying to keep my wallet safe.
Congrats! There's a number of different aspects of ham radio which are interesting and fun. Having ham capability might save a life someday..
Good for you! Another skill mastered is always a good and useful thing.

My brother was very much into amateur radio in the 60’s and 70’s when I was growing up. He built pretty much all his own equipment and I remember his “station” was always cluttered with glowing tubes and interesting dials and switches. Many hours were spent “DX-ing”, especially when “the skip” was in, and had many cryptic-looking QSL cards from some pretty far away places. It was never really something I got into but he stayed with it for a long time, teaching his school kids radio theory and other fun stuff. I’m sure he’d still be able to tap out code just as if it were yesterday…
One reason I still have my hf rig with a j pole is for an emergency situation. Ve6tba.

My dad had a qsl card on his wall from the king of Jordan, mid 70s.That always blew my mind. Dad volenteered for disaster and later emergency services for coms. He was also a fully certified, ent, ambulance driver so he help were he could. As Francist posted when the skip is good you can get reach.

As I’m currently between residence my radio is on a shelf. Currently working in two cities so not much time for hobbies.

I haven't been active for a while, I need to work on my HF radio and get an antenna back in the air. I can still get 2 meters and 440.

Tim, K7EAY . .
Congrats!.. I'm a fairly new ham myself. Was retiring the end of this last May so took my Technician in May, then 2 weeks later my General and then a couple of weeks ago my Extra. In a few days I'll be assigned a vanity call sign I put in for.
The Amateur radio folks I've met so far are great people and eager to help. There are a lot of variable paths and interests in ham radio that most folks don't even know about. Welcome and have fun!