Fellow Machinists?


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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
In February we will be moving to Grants Pass Oregon. I would like to meet some fellow hobby-machinists in the area.

I am pretty much a rank amateur. I have a SB 11, a benchtop Mini-Mill, 4x6 horizontal bandsaw, drill press, hydraulic press, stick and torch welders, etc. I'm looking to acquire a Bridgeport or clone and various other machine tools. I will be setting up in a 20'x30' space in the garage.
In February we will be moving to Grants Pass Oregon. I would like to meet some fellow hobby-machinists in the area.

I am pretty much a rank amateur. I have a SB 11, a benchtop Mini-Mill, 4x6 horizontal bandsaw, drill press, hydraulic press, stick and torch welders, etc. I'm looking to acquire a Bridgeport or clone and various other machine tools. I will be setting up in a 20'x30' space in the garage.

Give yourself some credit. May be limited in experience but make it up in equiptment.

Make sure your new shop has thick concrete floors so your machines have good footing.
I am now in my new shop and it is great. I have acquired a 1941 Vernon horizontal mill which I am in the process (well along) of restoring. I was told it was off a WW2 battleship. It did have some Government markings but, who knows?

A few days ago I bought an AAMCO 7" shaper off Craig's list which appears complete except for a broken bullgear. That is next on the restoration list. Anyone know where I can get a bullgear? It is well beyond my skill level to even think of making one.
Thank you. I joined the shaper group but no luck finding a gear. I'll keep looking.
If you dont have any luck with getting a replacement gear for your shaper, why not have a think about the possibility of converting it to hydraulic?
Now I have no idea if it would be possible with your machine or if it would even be affordable but it might be worth considering. I've used a large hydraulic shaper once but I have no idea how the drive ram was set up. It certainly was very quiet though.
Matt, what is nature of the break? A tooth or few teeth, or something more serious and positively beyond repair?
Matt, what is nature of the break? A tooth or few teeth, or something more serious and positively beyond repair?

It looks to be about 6-7 teeth in a row but I have not examined the entire gear. I promised myself I would not start on restoring it until I finish my Sheldon horizontal mill restoration.