face mill


I recently bought a Hardinge milling machine and with it I got a face mill that has inserts that I have never seen before, The inserts look like a regular 1/2 in. lathe bit but only about 1 1/2in long with a hole in it to fasten it to the cutter holder.They are a brazed carbide tip. Problem is they are all chewed up and I would like to replace them.I have searched every where but can`t find them. Any help would be appreciated.
That face mill sounds like the one I got with my mill drill back in the 70's. Doubt you can replace them Can you mill slots in regular lathe bits and cut off the extra length? I think those carbide tipped ones have tough,but not hard shanks. Try them with a file. Might mill them with carbide.
Thats what I will do if I can`t find them. I just thought I might find them somewhere. It`s not a real good set up but it will work for me. Thanks
A pic would definately help/ But I would look into an indexable holder and just change the bit when worn. They will remain indexed to the cut and wont require much resetting when you have to change and the bits can be pretty cheap depending on which ones you choose. If you make the holder you can select a cheaper desing and build a holder to accomodate it. Sounds like the cheapest and easiest way to go at this point.
Does your face mill look something like this?
If the cutters are past resharpening you can just remove the old carbide tips and old braze new ones on. If you are not up to that then any machine shop should be able to do that for you.

Cheers Phil

I'd guess that a machine shop(at least around here) would charge you much more than the facing cutter is worth to braze new carbide on. Just buy some appropriate lathe tools and braze them yourself onto the slotted parts you have,if at all possible. Try a welding shop before you price a machine shop for brazing your carbide.
twelvebolts, thats pretty close to mine. I think that i will just braze some new tips on my old ones. thanks for the replys. I was just thinking I could buy some
I dont think you would be able to easily source replacement cutters. Apparently after Noah finished using this type building his ark, they sorta went out of style.
I gave mine a real hammering on a job a while back. Chipped a couple of teeth, lost one completely. I wasnt set up for a major carbide re-sharpen so I took it in to a local machine shop and they replaced 2 carbides and sharpened all the teeth, (6) for me. Charged me $40. Way less than the price of a new tool head.

Cheers Phil
12bolts,you are lucky. Around here,even in the 1970's,they quoted $400.00 for a 2 hour job. They all want fat government shipyard jobs,and don't want to bother with small fry.