face mill questions


Aug 28, 2011
I picked up 2 Sandvik face mills today;

2" RA252.44-051R19-15M
2.5 RA252.44-063R19-15H

I believe they are old models and I can't seem to find the correct inserts for them.
I plan to use them on my 8520 mill. Are they too big, because I can return them if they are.
I have a new morse taper 2 face mill holder for them, so mounting them correctly and rigidy shouldn't be a problem.
and the mill does not have any colume extension yet, so its as rigid as its ever going to be.
If I did use them I planned to use very light cuts with either of them!
Any help and advise is certainly welcome.


Carbide inserts and other tooling definitely has its place but it's generally not in the home shop. Carbide is meant for high throughput (production) or for use on difficult to machine materials. You'll get much better results on your light milling machine with a fly cutter and high speed steel tooling. Better results meaning a better finish, less chatter and the fact that you can grind whatever shape tool you need rather than rely on special ready made inserts. I use HSS tooling almost exclusively. The only exception being if I have a lot of stock to remove on a difficult to machine material like stainless or tool steel.

I use 1 1/4" and 2" square shoulder facemills in my bridgeport.

you should be able to go to sandviks website and look it up.. either that or call a local sales rep or tool supplier.