Eye candy for Atlas fans


Active User
May 23, 2011
A friend of mine gave me 3 cardboard boxes full of gun magazines from the 50's and 60's. Here are a few pages from a 1959/1960 Craftsman tool catalog that was in the box. It's a 48 page catalog Hope you enjoy it.

lathe.jpg mil.jpg shaper.jpg
Oh to be able to go back in time for a short while with a pocket full of cash. Now if I can just get that time machine finished. :think1:
Yep...I remember going to Sears when I was a kid and fawning over all that stuff on the floor:drool:...kids can't do that anymore:shrugs:
Is there a good site where all this info can be uploaded?

I have a few pieces of literature I would like to make available
Jeffers, we maintain a library here and would love to have your contribution to it. Look at the toolbar and find "DOwnloads". There will be an upload link and you can choose the appropriate category for what you have to upload.