ELS Kit For Old Craftsman 101 - Calibration Testing

Ha. Yeah, that would be tough.

I'll get back to working on it soon. Holiday plans, finishing up work....just that time of year with a million things going on.

Check section 1, bullet letter "D", of the "quick installation and debugging guide" which I will quote here

Thanks for the Doc, much better than what I had ;)

Heres that PDF I mentioned... Should provide a good laugh!
I tried to attach the same doc that your Chinese pages have (in English) but it won't let me....I'll dig around a bit later on that.
Awesome. Glad it can be of help. I know that frustration.

Now that I have the info to hand, I can sort out some fast-ref "cheat sheets" for certain functions, threading included. Will make life a LOT easier.