Ebay issue, how to handle bait and switch...


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2019
Not sure if this belongs in this forum, if not, please move it.

So, I bought some cheap drill bits from Ebay. I did receive a package after a long, long time. Was expecting to see 10 carbide twist drill bits - like the listing showed. Instead there were a set of 10 1/8" carbide end mills. Since I don't have a mill, they are kind of worthless to me. When I went to the listing, I see it has changed. It is identical to the original, except for at the very bottom of the page, there is, in fine print, end mills. This tiny insertion of 2 words is only visible after scrolling down 2 pages. The picture at the top of the listing is still of carbide twist drills with a standard point.

I contacted the seller and said, this is not what I ordered. I did not order end mills, I ordered carbide twist drills - like in the picture, and in the listing. Since they are in China, they said, "it is expensive and timely to ship back merchandise", how about you take my offer of a $3 refund? The listing was only for $9 or so, with free shipping, so it's not a huge deal. But it frosts my posterior to think that this person really is a fraudster, and will continue to behave this way. That changed listing is fraudulent in intent. (Picture of twist drills, description somewhat vague, tiny print at bottom of page saying end mill.) And that listing was probably changed due to complaints.

What are my choices?
1. Report to Ebay
2. Contact my CC company to reverse the charges
3. Accept the $3 and move on...
4. Ask for more. The email from the vendor said they were open to suggestions.
5. Bad review
6. Some combination of the above
7. Some practical and effective ideas from all of you

I really had wanted the drills. I freaking broke my first carbide drill (from Shars) a while back, while trying to drill a pilot hole in O1 steel. I must of had that Shars bit for 5 minutes before I broke it!

What would you guys (and girls) do? For some reason, I'm more unhappy about this than can be justified. Thought I'd ask the collective, prior to acting.

Overall, I've had decent experiences on Ebay.
6 Usually if you squaak, it will somehow get resolved in my experience.
Concise with your response :grin big:, care to elaborate?
How do you report to Ebay?
Unless your 0-1 steel was heat treated, there was no need to use a carbide drill, it machines easily, at speeds somewhat slower than ordinary steel. With Chinese tools, you get what you pay for, quality wise. That said, of course, report to E Bay, and #1,2,&5.
@cathead Nice, ninja edit! What's the time limit for editing one's messages?

I'd be a lot happier with the twist drills, than paying for end mills that I can't effectively use, no matter the discount.
Just trying to figure out what the squawk should be.
If you look at the top, there should be a link to see what the add said when you bought the items. Click on the link from your purca=hase history, then you should see a page like this.

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@benmychree Somehow I had managed to harden the O1, the original Harbor Freight HSS twist drill kind of melted on me! Never seen a drill bit do that before. I had used the bit before, so I knew it wasn't bad.

Do I just report bait and switch to Ebay? Do I tell Ebay that I am contacting my CC company, or just contact my CC company?
Contact your cc to reverse the charges pronto.
Send report to ebay.

Offer to return the end mills collect.
Shop for what you need at HF or Princess auto.
If you look at the top, there should be a link to see what the add said when you bought the items.
No mention of end mills in original listing. Picture was of twist drills. In "revised" listing, they still use picture of twist drills. Then they used "weasel words" end mill in small print at very bottom of page (2 pages down of scrolling). It's a deceptive listing. In my opinion, it's fraudulent intent.