

Active User
Apr 19, 2011
has any body bought anything here? They offer qualtech(import?) and drill america. Feedback please. drillsandcutters.com
Yes, I bought some end mills from them. I don't think they really stock anything-it is all drop shipped from other places. My order was held up for a week due to a "backorder" and they never told me anything till I contacted them to inquire where my order was.

Would I order from them again? Probably not.
has any body bought anything here? They offer qualtech(import?) and drill america. Feedback please. drillsandcutters.com

I stumbled into their site a few days back. Looked around saw drill indexes 159$ regular 37$ You save $122. I ran out soon after getting the heebeegeebees. As soon as you look past the hyperbole you see the prices aren't that great compared to the usual big names and not as good as the discount houses.

I've never ordered from them and probably never will.

I've never bought from them but I've bought Qualtechs from Dewitt Brothers/www.DrillAmerica.com and they seem fine. A bonus for me is they're only about 15mins drive away and have good prices.