Dividing Head

The Model A Guy

Sep 11, 2013
This indexing head tooling came with my lathe, it is to small for the Clausing 5310 so I'm guessing it is for a 10" lathe. IT mounts in place of the tool holder. It uses index plates that screw onto the shaft and the tool uses MT-2.
I did not see a name or number on the tool. There is only one index plate, if this is not an extinct tool I will start searching for additional index plates. The index plates are about 2.5" in diameter.
Any thoughts?

IMG_20140901_180933.jpg IMG_00000170.jpg IMG_20140901_180837.jpg IMG_20140901_180919.jpg IMG_20140901_180857.jpg
Looking at some old photos and misc. tools, could this be a indexable holder to grind tool bits using an MT-2 collet?
I think you need to box it up and mail it to me .
It would look pretty on my 10x22