die filer parts


have almost got my die filer back together. i think is is a harvey butterfly but there is no name plate that i can find. also would like to locate some blades as this machine can be used as a verticle hacksaw. also will need some files but am unsure how to measure for sizing of the files.
thanks for the help
There is a lot of exposed shaft in that die filer,which can pick up steel dust and hurt the bearings. Metal Lathe Accessories makes a very nice kit of castings to make a die filer. I have pine although I already have 3 die filers. It was too cool to pass up. Its internals are well protected from filing dust.
There are several references in Popular Mechanics thanks to Google books: http://books.google.com/books?id=RdMDAAAAMBAJ and then go to Feb 1941, Oct 1947 or Mar 1957. A how to article appears in July 1943. I have seen suggestions to re-purpose a jig saw or scroll saw as a die filer but I don't have any websites handy.

There is a construction article in Australian Model Engineering (http://www.ameng.com.au/) #152 Sept-Oct 2010. I was able to order that issue from the web-site.

The Workshop Practice Series book #31 Useful Workshop Tools by Stan Bray has a plan/construction notes.

One of the more sophisticated plans, with construction notes, is from a series of articles in the British publication Model Engineers' Workshop (aka MEW) by Harold Hall. This started in #161, March 2010. The full article is provided on his website: http://www.homews.co.uk/page475.html and I believe that he has added many more pictures. This article includes a method to adapt common hand files to his machine (they should cut on the down-stroke).

As for sources for proper files themselves check out (usual disclaimers):
http://fedfile.stage.thomasnet.com/category/machine-files? (www.fedfile.com)
I copied these sites from other postings on assorted forums - some many years ago; I am uncertain if these sites are current &/or these companies still offer suitable products.
You can also try Googling "parallel machine files" or "reciprocating machine files"
Many Thanks Dunc1, thats what I was after.

On a side note how incredible is the treasure within old edition Popular Mechanics - I could seriously spend the rest of my days reading only that magazine from start to finish, and be just about the most content man on planet Earth.
