Closed Di-Acro 1A or 2 bender


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
May 2, 2022
Let me know if you've got a Di-Acro 1A or #2 and willing to sell!

I'm adding some type of bender to my inventory of tools... I think the rotary style benders would suite my general needs the best... so after looking at different styles, I think a Di-Acro 1A or 2 bench top bender would be the most versatile for me. Mostly flat and round bar bending... but I'd like the idea of small tube/pipe bending as well.

At the moment, I'm waffling on the 1A or 2 size... both are relatively manageable weight wise to lift to bench and store as needed... both are under 100 lbs. Size 2 is a lot more common which is a plus if I ever need to buy tooling for it... though, I'd imagine most dies and such I can make as needed. Shipping on a 1A is a lot easier and maybe the right size for me.
Found one locally, surprisingly. Lots of gunk, like 20+ years of grit and grime, but likely the reason it didn't rust out badly either. A little elbow grease, WD-40, and I'll paint the base, it should look like new soon.... then onto a few dies so I can start bending!
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