Dating a Bridgeport CNC


Aug 13, 2020
I got her in the workshop last Saturday, and I'm already working on replacing the controls, from steppers all the way through to a Raspberry Pi Zero for the control computer. The previous-previous owner had replaced the controls with an Ah-ha system, and even that is outdated. (I think Ah-ha went out of business 20 yrs ago.)

However, I don't know how old she is. Seen lots of places that have a list for the dates of manual BPs, but my serial number is CNC1324. The only hint I got was that BP sold 500 machines their first year on the market, being 1977. Is there a list somewhere, or is guessing "1980" the best I'm gonna do?
When dating anyone, you should ask to see their ID if age is even a question. Not worth the trouble. I prefer late 70s-early 80s vintage myself, so long as I stay in that zone I don't have to explain my jokes and I don't feel funny with her in public.
My lathe is 21 (a Brazilian!), and my mill is a spritely 26 (from Spain!).

I got both of those dates simply by emailing the manufacturer's customer service and asking (like BP, still in business). They were both clear that they were offering no support or parts, but were much obliged to do the lookup for me.
I have dated worse than a Bridgeport.

In my youth I often had the Impetus to go for the quick Fuchs.
Maybe a Balding Beaver or one that was a real Birch but with a real sweet Bottum or Portass.

I dated this one Kerry, but she was just out for the Gems.
Lyn always thought she was Superior like some kind of Perfection.
One was a great Cook, another quite Dandy, but none were Ideal.

I tried dating Modern, Junior and Senior.
I almost gave up and considered dating a Robot.

My lathe is 21 (a Brazilian!), and my mill is a spritely 26 (from Spain!).
.....I consider it a challenge to find out about the Brazilian thing on the first date ;)


I have never considered dating a Mann or a Boy like a David, Edgar, Elliot, Harvey, Jason, Logan, Marco, Matt, Patrick, Sheldon, Sidney, Spencer, Stanley or a Stuart. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
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