Cylindrical Grinder


H-M Supporter - Sustaining Member
H-M Platinum Supporter
Dec 2, 2016
I recently bought a cylindrical grinder, a Fortune RME-200. It came with a manual but from a model that was 10 years younger. It had lubrication specs but nothing regarding the hydraulic option that my table has.

It looks to me like its a central lubrication system that is also used for the hydraulic system (low compression loads moving grinding head and table). I see Vactra #2 is spec'd out to be used also as a moderate to light use hydraulic fluid.

Anyone know if this is the case?

The older manual says for other lubricated parts use Shell Tonna oil 27, which does not come up in searches easily, but others have mentioned Mobil DTE ISO32, which to me looks to be strictly hydraulic (scratch that some searches say way oil).

Thanksoil chart.jpg

So now I would also need Shell Tellus 11 which to me looks like mobil velocite 6 which I use for my spindle oil in the hass multigrind at work.
My Brown & Sharpe Micromaster surface grinder uses Vactra#2 for lube and hydraulic oil, it sounds like it would be appropriate for the use. I also had a Norton cylindrical grinder that used the same oil for that purpose.
For my Norton Grinder, the manual said, "we recommend Gargoyl D.T.E. light oil". I contacted Chas Allen about it (they own Norton grinder assets) and was told to get Vacuoline #1405, as is it has way lube and hydraulic fluid properties. It was pricey, but I know I got the correct fluid for the machine. I do not know if there is any other oil that has enough of the same properties to be compatible with 1405.
I also don't know if this will help you, but I thought I would put it out there.

I ended up getting the correct year manual and it mentions Vactra #2. It is also a light duty hydraulic fluid which makes sense as the hydraulic system also lubricates the sliding ways and gear mechanisms.