cutting torch/ tank selection


Active User
Feb 10, 2014
Well, I have been thinking about buying a set of torches for intermittent use for some time now. A few weeks ago, I bought a stupid oxy-map setup from home depot. 22a6c540-fec5-4d42-b2e0-01f427f12b27_300.jpg Its a good thing the job was small. I ended up using a number of the oxygen tanks. They have a very short usage life. bummer. anyhow, I was wondering if anyone had any experience with these:f056d4c8-1d3f-4d48-8f4f-c074d3a828a1_300.jpgor, does anyone have advise otherwise? thanks for your input!

22a6c540-fec5-4d42-b2e0-01f427f12b27_300.jpg f056d4c8-1d3f-4d48-8f4f-c074d3a828a1_300.jpg
those are also some pretty small tanks. my humble opinion is to get the biggest you can afford. . . and of course that would also depend on where your going to be using them. . . home, garage, out in the field ? if i remember correctly torches and regs in a kit are in the $150 range for a decent one. tanks are expensive, in the range of $150 each, then add filling the price of gas and oxy to the mix.. .
once in a while a used set will appear on craigs list. that may be an option for you to consider.

next ! ?
The torch and regulator for the unit shown in the bottom picture are fine for basic/intermediate use. I have a set of the Harbor Freight "Medium duty" torches and they are fine for my purposes.

As for tanks... Get the largest ones you can afford and manage to tote around. Small tanks serve the purpose of portability. If you're doing stationary work, get the biggest ones you can manage to safely get in/out of your truck.

I feel that you'll be kicking yourself for buying small tanks. I have some smallish tanks 60cf acetylene and a 100 cf oxy and I wish I had bigger tanks. It seems that one good session or 2 can wipe them's annoying as hell. I don't think I'd get thru 30 minutes worth of cutting with those small tanks pictured above. Spend a few more dollars and get some bigger tanks at your local welding shop. As ray said, I'd buy the torch and regulators from HF...for a hobbyist, they're plenty capable. Tanks aint cheap.....but if you want to play, you gotta pay. :))
I also think that the proposed replacement tanks are too small for any real use, and you'll be getting them filled a lot. But before you buy something used off CL, call your local gas distributor and ask what the refill/exchange policy will be. My local place will always exchange the tanks that I have that I got from them, but if you come in with something else, they may charge you a fee for getting them certified (I forgot the exact term) or even refuse them. Also ask them for prices so you have some way to make a decision.

Here, they lease the larger tanks, but you buy the smaller ones. I own a 80 scf acetylene tank and a 55 scf oxy, and I find I still go through two acet tanks for each oxy, but it's mostly brazing where tons of oxy isn't needed. I originally had the next acet size down, but didn't like running to fill it up so often, so I traded up. They gave me full credit of my purchase price toward the cost of the 80 scf tank, so that might be another good reason to buy tanks from your local outfit. A possible alternative is to use your BBQ tank for fuel if you're just cutting or brazing. The acet reg should handle LP, so you just need multi-fuel rated hose and some LP tips. There are guys these days with space issues brazing bicycle frames and racks using LP BBQ tanks and used medical oxygen concentrators. Fuel (which is much cheaper than acet) from the local gas station, and unlimited oxy as long as the electricity is on seems a great alternative.

What are you planning to do? That's what should drive your decision on tank size.

Been down the same road; what a feeling to run out of gas in the middle of a project on a weekend.

I have the size w (100) and s (125 or 150 ?) size tank (that is from memory), and they have proven to be a good choice. I bought my bottles years ago and only cost is refill. No idea what purchase price is now; lease may be a better choice. For a torch, I suggest a Victor 100 series.
"if you want to play, you gotta pay." :banghead: I was hoping to avoid that. damn.

well, I will heed your guy's advice. Save up some money and wait for when the wife is not looking.
i used to have a lease for the large oxygen tank had to get my boy tohelp me load it in the truck or move it around bought a small tank at auction can't remember size smallest one air products sells for $150 they go for about $50 at auctions or craigslist i love them easy to handle i have three now always have oxy i also use propane with the exchange tank if i run out just use the one on the grill i live 30 miles from air products much easier go to gas station get tank for $18
"if you want to play, you gotta pay." :banghead: I was hoping to avoid that. damn.

well, I will heed your guy's advice. Save up some money and wait for when the wife is not looking.

No, no, no... Go out and buy them now, hide them in the garage -and intercept the bill in the mail when the wife's not looking. LOL, you must be a newly-wed...:lmao::lmao:

No, no, no... Go out and buy them now, hide them in the garage -and intercept the bill in the mail when the wife's not looking. LOL, you must be a newly-wed...:lmao::lmao:

That's what I do!