Cross Slide Tention?


Mar 23, 2022
Setting up my first mini lathe and not sure how tight to run the gibs. I've got a bit of resistance on them now, as any looser and I get some wiggle. Should I run them to where the handle turns without resistance? Or should I keep them as tight as possible and still be able to move them? Thanks
Keep them comfortably tight. If you see or feel wiggle, tighten them up some more.
In addition to the gibs, you may want to adjust the cross slide nut. That nut has _three_ screws that need to be properly set. It's a type of jack screw setup with the two outside screws pulling the nut and the center one pushes it. Not easy to adjust, you want to use the outside screws to cock the nut over to remove backlash and the center one to fix it in place....without binding...but firmly enough that it doesn't loosen up under use.