Could use some help with a shop drawing notation


Jan 28, 2024
Hi. So I have some old shop drawings (from 1950, in German), but with many of them redone in a CAD program more recently. There is one notation that I am unfamiliar with and haven't been able to find in any research.

The piece in question is a rod with one half taken down to a smaller diameter. On the drawing, the larger end is notated with the diameter symbol and then 2h7. The smaller end has the diameter symbol and 1.6p7.

I understand this means 2mm and 1.6mm, but what does the additional "h7" and "p7" mean? This sort of note shows up frequently in the drawings and I can't quite suss this out. Thanks for any help. Clearly Dr. Google has failed me in this instance.
The smaller letter denotes a shaft tolerance, if the letter is capitalized, it means for a hole. For the charts extropic posted, the tolerances are in microns, so the h7 on the 2mm shaft would have a tolerance of +0/-0.01mm.