Coolant for 4x6 Bandsaw?


Aug 9, 2018
I picked up a cheap aquarium pump from Harbor Freight to add flood coolant to my 4x6 bandsaw. Does anyone have suggestions for coolant to use for this purpose? I don't use my saw a ton but I do know this would be handy, so something that doesn't need changed every week would be nice.

I've heard that oil can ruin the coolant, would it be worth degreasing my saw before setting this up? The blade, wheels, guides, etc.

Thanks in advance!
Water soluble oil . HF probably has it. I wouldn't get too exotic with type of fluid, cheap will do. Your blade is not running at very high speed.
A lube stick would also work, but since you already bought the pump go for it.
Personally I am not a huge fan of water soluble oil in my hobby shop. Its great if you use it everyday, but it makes a mess. I have a coolant pump on my saw which uses cutting oil. I find it is sometimes easier to keep a squirt bottle close by and dab oil on as its cutting, especially for one or two cuts. I do find the high Sulphur oil eventually covers everything in a black crud.
If you do use an aquarium pump, be sure to include a filter so chips and dust don't get into the pump. Don't ask how I know this.
Any time I tried to use flood coolant on my 4 x 6 the blade would slip off. I hope you have better luck than I did.
You must definitely filter the coolant. These aquarium pumps from HF use a magnet to couple the impeller are prone to collect steel filings and become inoperative.
Your 4x6 must be a lot different than mine. I don't have any catch system and the way the saw is made it would be tricky to catch much. I just use an acid brush and dob a little cutting oil on as it goes. Or WD40 or kerosene for AL.
I have a 7 x 12 that has a pump underneath. I use a water soluble cutting fluid. I use it often and still have rust problems plus given that evaporation is a problem that moisture has to go somewhere. I am going to change to an oil cutting fluid as soon as I can afford a decent sized drum and change the lathe as well. I know one person who has access to old hydraulic oil which he cuts with Kerosene which seems to work well. Bit far away to get oil from him though.
Rust never sleeps and the water soluble cutting fluids do cause rust no matter what is on the label.
I've used mine for 25 years without coolant. Replaced the blade maybe a dozen times. I Just upgraded to a bigger saw, and I'm waiting for delivery.
Stay away from flood coolant. It’s not worth the hassle in a non-production environment.

I’ll never use it after cleaning out countless coolant tanks as a youth. There was a 24 inch cylindrical grinder that still gives me nightmares. The 35 gallon tank would have 5 gallons of a grit, swarf, oil mixture at the bottom.

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