Contain grinding dust


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Oct 16, 2019
As much as I possibly can I keep all grinding activity far from my precision machines and tools.
I have my belt grinder on a stand and I was thinking about making a shroud around the back to contain the mess.
Curious what other folks have done to address this challenge.
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I have my bench grinders on a stand and i drag / lift it outside to use it.

It's currently living in a covered but open outside area.

I recently got some amazing pigeon hole draws from a HVAC place that was shutting down. The whole industrial unit smelt of grinder, there was grinder dust and dirt in every location of it. Had to de grease and wash all the draws as slight tap on them would emit a cloud of grinder dust.

:) (nice draws though)

David, I agree it makes 1605009630530.pnga terrible mess. I try and keep all my grinding at one end of my shop. I have a shield on my surface grinder that blocks dust, and I try to sweep up regularly. I make sure I wear a N95 when I grind carbide. I sharpen carbide circular saw blades and am not a fan of carbide dust......
One of these would work good, available on amazon

I have the pedestal grinder in a corner, and I put overlapping floor-to-ceiling welding curtains around it. Picked up some 12-gauge shower curtains to line the walls as well. The curtains are all on #8 (Ithink, maybe #6) hooks driven into the ceiling, with spring clips along the length as needed. That has helped keep the dust out of the rest of the shop more than the shopvac attachment at the back of the grinder.
I have 2 six inch grinders mounted on a repurposed medical 4 wheel cart. Unless it's really cold or grinding something very small, I roll them outside. And blow them off with a leaf blower before they come back inside.