collet adapter for sheldon


Active User
Nov 19, 2011
hi guys, me again. i got the specs of a collet adapter for my sheldon lathe, i need someone to make it if you can, i dont mind paying to have it done, i just dont have the experience yet:thinking:


when i got this lathe only thing i could find with it was a drill chuck with a 3mt 1 dead center that had been hack off and chuck and wrench, now i have 3 face plates 2 chuck wrenches one made out of my snapon 3/8s drive 1 chuck qc tool post all kind of cutting tools old school neets foot oil for my leather belt and still adding lol:biggrin:
I have spent more time making and collecting what I don't have (tooling) than anything else. I have only repaired one other thing with my machines so far. My sheldon came with a collet adapter and only one collet that I'm not sure how it works.

I had a brand new turret for a reload press that was out of round from the factory. It was easier to chuck in the lathe and fix than to send back. Not that I want things to tear up so I can fix them. I'm trying to figure out how I am going to make a tool post grinder (mount it) now.
