Hi all.. will chime in a bit. Can you show the top edge in that pic? My thought as I looked it.. Is there a THC (Torch Height Controller on this? If the torch drifts up, the deeper downward cutting ability quickly starts to fail. (on mine anyway).. dialing in for 3/4 and such w/ flat plate you can set the initial pierce height, then then any delays on the pierce, then the THC delay starts. (just flat torch cutting). Once that settles and it start moving, THC kicks in. Then it begins to try and maintain the tip voltage.(or what ever it is measuring by drifting up or down. If you cut 2 or more pieces and they look like that... my wager is that it's a parm of some type. Only since I had to fiddle with my rig so many tims on this stuff. If THC is on while doing this, turn it off?
The CandCNC manuals from Tom are a great troublshooting source. even for non CandCNC controllers. his TS approach is very concrete. The 'straight line' cutting tests... you can find them on candcnc.com under manuals. look into the bladerunner manuals. if you cannot locate, give me a shout.