Cleaning the Shop Rust prevention and Redoing toolboxes.

Dave, that's done with html, using tags. Put what you want bold between tags like this: ........[/b ]

I put a space on the close tag so it would not bold the ...

You'll notice the slash in the close tag. That turns off whatever the opening tag turned on. Same deal with "u" for underscore, and "i" for italics. There are many html codes that ca be used to manipulate your text.
the extended smilie library will need to be loaded here. It hasn't been moved yet. It's on the list, just not gotten to it yet.
I put it in all caps to try to drive a point in using WD-40.

I'm sorry if I "smashed" some toes out there, this was not my intentions.

I'm sure in many areas of the country where the humidity is low, it may not cause rust. But down here on the gulf coast areas, Texas to Florida, rust is a problem. We used to use WD-40 by the truck loads thinking we were doing ourselves a favor. What was happening, the WD-40 would give you a little bit of protection until it vaporized off the metal surface leaving it clean and dry. That's when the rust kicks in. Friday, we spray things down, Monday we come in the shop and see all of the brown film on everything we spray down two days before! After several years of doing this the internet kicked in and a articale showed up on WD-40. That's when we quit using it. The "brown" went away!
