Clausing lathe stand


May 29, 2024
The Clausing model 100 I just acquired did not come with a stand so something needs to be made. Would a wood bench stoutly made be adequate or should I go metal? I'm not sure I'm going to keep it so I'm leaning towards wood. I have a Smithy 3in1 and an Atlas lathe already. The Atlas is slowly being put back together after cleaning it up and the Smithy is operational.
Wood would be adequate for that machine. Focus should be on building something sturdy and stiff.
Or, get yourself an old sturdy desk. Often available on Craigslist for free....

If you're not sure you are going to keep it why spend a lot of effort building something, it's not big enough to worry about as long as whatever you come up with is strong enough to handle it.

If you're going to build something steel is the preferred material but it's expensive and will require welding skills/equipment. Wood will do but you'll need good woodworking skills to achieve what's needed.

If you can find something that'll work for free you'll have more $$ to spend on tooling. Here's my lathe stand, my space is small so I wanted extra storage below. If you don't have that issue then it doesn't really matter, but free kitchen cabinets are available almost everywhere.
