Chucking Reamers- What are they, how are they used?


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How are chucking reamers different in design and use from regular reamers?

Can anyone illustrate their use?


Hey There,
Chucking reamers for the most part are used in a power app type situation r/e lathe ,mill or drill press . they come either in straight flute or spiral ,the straight flute for the most part is for through holes and the spiral is for blind holes ,the spiral pushes the chips back and out.Use plenty of oil and only a moderate rpm so as to not wear it out early or heaven forbid break it :angry: drill or bore very close to your final dmmension then ream it from there . thanx smitty
I'll be using some in the Mill later this week. I'll take pics. Remind me to post if I forget.

Chucking reamers can not be uses as a hand reamer. they do not have a taper on the end like a hand reamer does so chucking reamers cut mostly on the end. while hand reamers cut mostly on the side, at the taper area. buy for the aplication you intend to use them for. A hand reamer can be used under power if you go real slow. PS all reamers should NOT be run in reverse. it ruins them. Pull it out while still going forward.