I'm looking at a used chuck on eBay. I notice it's jaws are completely smooth with no serations.
I've never seen that. Are they used to not mark your work piece? I would think they would not hold as well as serated ones.
It Could be they were regrounded (<is that even a word???) to hide or correct "the past" so it could be sold at a higher price then they would have gotten without taking the time and effort for doing so.
It could also be the reasons you stated and to be completely honest I personally dont believe those jaw grooves provide any extra griping power. However if you feel differently then cutting replacement slits into the face of each jaw should be a very easy task that should not affect the chucks runnout in any way positive or negative because you are not changing the dimensions for any of the jaw face that would be critical.
Smooth…serrated…the jaws come in all of the above. I would never attempt to buy just jaws and try to replace. Tooooo my variables to go wrong. The only solution IMHO is to buy new and buy the best. The chuck is the heart of the lathe. I don’t skimp on the chucks I buy. And it makes life great in my hobby shop. Money well spent!
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