Chuck identification


I’m considering buying this 4 jaw chuck but the seller doesn’t know who made it. Does anyone recognize the logo?
Assume its Asian, but does it really matter?
I just want something quality. I’m still new to the game and I don’t even know if it matters with chucks. Please tell me if it doesn’t because I will buy a Shars or equivalent.

I’m planning on doing gunsmith work once I learn enough to be good.
I just want something quality. I’m still new to the game and I don’t even know if it matters with chucks. Please tell me if it doesn’t because I will buy a Shars or equivalent.

I’m planning on doing gunsmith work once I learn enough to be good.
If the jaws are a good fit in the body, It should be fine, but no way to tell without having it in hand. Chinese tools can vary greatly in quality.
Probably as good as what you can get from Shars. Assume the price is considerably less than new?

4 jaw is always dialed in by hand so highest quality isn’t as critical as a scroll or collet chuck.

You should be fine with it, I have a similar chuck and it’s never given me reason to doubt.
