Cheap 5C collet closers!

I received mine from the UPS guy today, well boxed and wrapped, looks like a nice new part. When I shorten the drawbar, I will find out the quality of steel that they used but considering Taiwanese machine tools are fair quality for the price, I think I did ok. I got mine on sale for 299 on the bay...Tim
Looks like a good start. We'll want to see it all mounted up too.
$500?! Is that really a good deal? I've seen real South Bend handlever closer types for a lot less than that. I've read of guys buying the Grizzly collet closers and modifying them for their lathes and they're around $350 IIRC.
The southbend from grizzly new is 850, the grizzly one is 450-550 depending on what one you get, a real royal is going upwards of 1k used, 500 on the cheaper end without all of the parts. I got my off the bay for 299 plus 18 shipping new on sale.