Changing bearing oil?


Feb 11, 2016
I have a Tida 10x36 TD5a that is a belt drive.

The only areas that get oil are the spindle bearing, but I don't see any drain plugs?
How do I drain the oil that is in there and put new in? I want to change it because the chuck side looks darker in color than the outboard side.

Is it feasible to pull the sight windows out and drain them there?

Yeah, I have the manual. Not much help in that regard.
I have a Grizzly G9249 lathe, also a belt drive. It also does not have drain plugs for the headstock oil. I would have to remove the sight windows to drain the oil. This will be messy since it will likely run all over the gearbox. Need lots of paper towel.
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Why not open the top use a turkey baster to suck up or a pump. Fill to desired level. Then you can do a visual on your gear train.
Yeah, I thought of that as a last resort. Very small holes, probably only a 1/4" or smaller holes!
I will try the sight windows, and yes that will likely be messy!!
Why not open the top use a turkey baster to suck up or a pump. Fill to desired level. Then you can do a visual on your gear train.

I did something similar on my lathe and then finished swabbing it out with pipe cleaners. Also being a cheap S.O.B. they were used pipe cleaners I had dried out.
I haven't done it yet but those sight windows come out easily, so that will be the way.
Thinking that I will get a couple of solo cups and cut the rounded rim off and duct tape them just under the hole and pull the plug:encourage:
