Can someone ID this Vice


Mar 5, 2020
im looking for someone to help me ID this vice


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Here's a better view. Hopefully someone knows what it is.

so what you're saying very common. my issue is i need a spindle nut. any advice where to get one?
My vices are named gambling, drinking........... wait, golf, cigars........... hmmm, houses of ill repute, drugs?........ Dang, I have a lot of vices. Can't afford a Kurt vice though. Don't know why.............
I agree with Tom, after all we are hobby machinists, If you don't want to make one, at least measure up the screw, it will give a chance to find a nut. Without knowing the thread dimensions it's a lost cause.
t would have to be quite an nice vise to justify making a new nut for it, I have only ever had two such vises that justified that much effort/ time expended to save them from the junk pile, one was a Prenticess vise, I made a pattern, had a casting made, and machined a new nut, for a customer. It was a mighty nice vise, before and especially after!
t would have to be quite an nice vise to justify making a new nut for it, I have only ever had two such vises that justified that much effort/ time expended to save them from the junk pile, one was a Prenticess vise, I made a pattern, had a casting made, and machined a new nut, for a customer. It was a mighty nice vise, before and especially after!
I don't know about it having to be a nice to justify making a new nut, I've made new parts for old crap many times! Then at least it was My Crap & sometimes the only reason was to see if I could duplicate or improve on the "Crap" in question. Or maybe someone said I couldn't do it or it wasn't worth it, either way if you think it's worth your time repair it. If you want to try your hand at single pointing threads (probably square & a weird pitch), go for it! Remember if decide you're making both the screw & the nut you can change things as you see fit, thread type, pitch, diameter etc. Mcmaster-Carr sells lots of Acme rod & nuts, might need a bit of retrofit but, hey it's all you!