I recently got the Shahe-compatible board, and I'd like to hook up my existing tach sensor. It's a Hall effect switch which puts out roughly its supply voltage. An oscilloscope shows it stops working below around 4.7v, so I'd like to power it with the 5v supply.
On the TouchDRO site the Absolute Maximum Ratings table states the tach input can only handle 3.3v, but in a different table says that it's 5v tolerant.
It's likely the latest version of the board, as I've only had it a couple of weeks. Any ideas which is right?
I recently got the Shahe-compatible board, and I'd like to hook up my existing tach sensor. It's a Hall effect switch which puts out roughly its supply voltage. An oscilloscope shows it stops working below around 4.7v, so I'd like to power it with the 5v supply.
On the TouchDRO site the Absolute Maximum Ratings table states the tach input can only handle 3.3v, but in a different table says that it's 5v tolerant.
It's likely the latest version of the board, as I've only had it a couple of weeks. Any ideas which is right?