Calculator function/keypad on Samsung tablet


Sep 29, 2020
Guys, I have a question you may be able to help with.
I have a couple of TouchDRO setups running, and waiting on deliver of another. Up until recently I was using a very cheap and nasty no-name tablet that was extremely slow and was glitchy when swapping between machines and TouchDROs.
I recently obtained a Samsung S4 tablet running android 7: what a difference with a fast tablet and premium screen. TouchDRO is 100 times better to use (and it was already good).
On the Samsung tablet, I do not get any calculator functionality/keyboard when I want to enter a dimension: I only get a number pad (0-9 plus the "." decimal key). When I use the "no name tablet" I do get a calculator keypad and can enter an equation, so it must be related to the tablet rather than the TouchDRO app.

Is there a setting in the Samsung tablet somewhere to change this so I get a calculator keypad or is this a feature/bug on the Samsung?

So far I have not found a fix

I noticed this on one of my Samsung tablets with the new app. I haven't found the root of the problem, though.
The way this works in Android is that for each text entry field the app tells the OS what sort of input it expects, and the tablet presents the right keyboard. This is a two-part setting, one that defines input type and another for accepted characters. In this case, Samsung is ignoring the setting. It could be a change in the spec, so I'll need to dig.

Currently, the settings for most fields are

android:digits="0123456789,./-+*^()" android:inputType="numberDecimal|numberSigned"

I suspect the second setting forces a keyboard layout that doesn't have the extra symbols.
